Litaba tse Molemo ho Shandong - "enjene e ncha" ea lithaere tsa lapeng

China ke mohlahisi le moreki oa lithaere tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, 'me Profinse ea Shandong ke profinse e kholo ka ho fetisisa naheng eo mabapi le tlhahiso ea mabili, e ikarabellang ho feta halofo ea matla a tlhahiso ea naha.Haufinyane tjena, khatelo-pele e khōlō e phatlalalitse hore Chaena e khona ho ikemela tšimong ea lisebelisoa tsa rabara tsa mabili tse sebetsang hantle haholo.Lisebelisoa tsa rabara tsa thaere tsa lapeng tse sebetsang hantle haholo li hlahisitsoe ka bongata ka katleho Shandong, ha li sa le tlas'a ba bang.Katleho ena e lebisitse ho nts'etsopele ea mekhoa e mecha eaChina's thekenoloji ea tlhahiso ea mabili, hape e bile le karolo e ntle ho nts'etsopele eaChinaindasteri ea lithaere.

Ho utloisisoa hore rabara e entsoeng ka polymerized styrene butadiene ke e 'ngoe ea litaba tsa lipatlisiso tsa Wang Qinggang, motsamaisi oa Catalytic Polymerization and Engineering Research Center ea Qingdao Institute of Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences.E ke ke ea ntlafatsa feela li-anti-skid le polokeho ea lithaere, empa hape e fokotsa ho hanyetsa le ho sebelisoa ha mafura.Ka bomalimabe, rabara ea naha ea heso e sebetsang hantle haholo-polymerized styrene butadiene rabara e batla e itšetlehile ka ho feletseng ka thepa e tsoang linaheng tse ling, 'me e thathamisitsoe ka ho hlaka e le sehlahisoa sa botekgeniki sa "molala" naheng ea heso ke Lekala la Indasteri le Theknoloji ea Boitsebiso.

Ho fihla ha rabara e entsoeng ka tšepe e entsoeng ka tšepe ea styrene butadiene e tlatsitse lekhalo la malapeng.Hona joale, thepa e sebelisitsoe ka tekanyo e kholo lik'hamphani tse ngata tse etellang pele tsa mabili, tse pakang boleng ba eona ba khoebo le bokhoni ba theknoloji.

Nako ea poso: Aug-05-2024
Tlohela Molaetsa wa Hao